The finest content editors are available on Edflex

Our experts curate the premier content in each sector. Collaborate with top publishers to showcase your content to over 1.5 million users!

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Increase your impact with Edflex


Diversify your channels

Diversify distribution channels by reaching +1.5 million learners with your content


Simplify your distribution

Facilitate your distribution and thereby your growth


Develop your network

Be part of a comprehensive and dynamic network, and enhance your visibility


Work on other verticals

Access other markets/industries/verticals

They are already part of the network

These publishers are partners with Edflex and distribute their offerings to our key account clients.

“This is an extension of our team, they are very proficient in the content we want to make available to graduates. There is a whole team of Learning Experts within Edflex, who support us every month to select resources.”

Géraldine Pauty

Career and Marketing Director at HEC Alumni

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Adapted support

We collaborate closely with our partner publishers to identify solutions that align seamlessly with their requirements, addressing both technical and commercial considerations.

Join the Edflex Library and maximize the impact of your learning content